Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Web Resource Review

   I couldn’t narrow my favorite web resource down to one.  I have used BrainPop for years in my classroom and love it!  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve used National Geographic for science. TimeforKids had a Homework Helper tab that was awesome!  How many kids have parents that are unable to help or are absent to help with homework? Under that tab it had a site that would give kids pointers to writing a personal narrative, with an organizer and checklist.  I teach writing and I could definitely integrate this into my curriculum.  It gave a brief lesson and really laid out in a kid friendly way to help get a child started with any type of writing (Biography, Book Report, Compare and Contrast, Persuasive Writing). You have to subscribe to be able to print the organizers and checklists.  
     I had never heard of Whyville but really liked it.  The first thing that caught my eye was their sponsors:  NASA, School Nutrition Association, National Parenting Association, etc. I thought this has to be good! The reason I liked it is because it is engaging and kids learn about science, history, economic, civics, and much more.  It is an educational virtual city where kids can explore, learn and create together.  They make their own avatar which kids think is cool.  It is for middle school kids, an age where they lose interest in math and science, especially girls.  I made my daughter try it out and she really liked it.  Joining is free. 

Here are just a few comments I had on the other websites:
My least favorite sites:
Fanala:  I can see how this sight would be interesting to pre-teen.  It reminds me of the Bop magazine I use to read as a young teen-ager.  So, it would be good for leisurely reading but absolutely no educational value.  Even under the “Education” tab the games are “Summer Time Dress Up” and the “Math Test” is just you have 1 minute to get as many answers as possible.  1/3 of the page is advertisements.

Webkinz:  My daughter use to log onto this sight. Problem is you have to buy a $15 stuffed animal to log on.  I didn’t think the sight was very good, neither did my daughter.

Nickelodeon:  You can watch your favorite Nick videos- My kids and I have seen enough Spongebob!  They can create a clubhouse and chat with other kids.  My kids chat enough.  This was a wasted sight.

HasbroMyLittlePony:  This was just to get little girls to buy their products.  I would rather kids get creative and play with the actual ponies than get on this sight. 

1 comment:

  1. Krista, your blog is so thorough and informative! I really liked the Whyville website too but I thought some parts of it were a little confusing. I went on there myself and made an avatar and did some exploring. I can see why kids would like the website with its bright colors and personalized character, but I was a little confused on what I was supposed to do. I agree that this would be good for middle schoolers.
